
4 How To Steps to Say No

No!  Say it loud and proud.  No? Why is it so hard to say no?  For many people, the hardest word in any language to utter is the word "no."  It seems that we are just hardwired to say "yes."  We say yes to friends who ask favors.  We say yes to the boss who needs someone to work overtime.  We say yes to the family member who needs us to perform a task for them.  Whenever anybody needs anything, we say yes. The truth is that we believe that saying yes is a sign of love or friendship.  It [...]

One Step

It's one step! Put one foot in front of the other. What would your life look like if you knew everything could change with one step?  After two weeks of being totally overwhelmed by work, I took some time to rest last night. I struggle at times for things to write to you guys because I really want to make an impact on your emotions and not just throw useless crap out there. It is important to me and I hope to you as well, that it actually resonates deep within you and you desire change. I read blog after [...]

Lead with your heart, not your head.

Lead with your heart, not your head. The next time someone tells you to lead with your head and not your heart, don’t listen. My purpose on this planet has never been, nor will it ever be, to follow. I am a leader by nature and have always done so through my heart. Why? Because I just knew it was the right way to live my life. For those of us that do in fact lead with our heart and were raised with a parent that said to you, “lead with your head, not your heart,” and you chose [...]