
12 Risk Factors You May Be A Cheater

Are you at risk of becoming a cheater? Cheater!  Are you at risk? The word cheater is practically on the same level as ‘bastard’ or ‘whore’…It’s not pretty, and neither is the reputation of a person who’s been called one. Cheaters are sleazy. They’re shady, malicious, and infamous. They’re one of the most undesirable types of people to be. They violate trust and wreck homes. They seek out something more when their partner is having a bad week.. or month.. or year, and they feel absolutely no remorse for their actions. At least… that’s how a cheater is often portrayed in the [...]

6 Simple Tips For Thriving Relationships

Have you ever wondered how so many people have thriving relationships? Thriving Relationships 6 Tips To Help Keep Your Relationships Thriving People talk a lot about happiness. How to find it, how to maintain it, how to cause it in others, etc. As a life coach, I prefer to talk about thriving. When someone is thriving, they may not always be smiling or laughing or having the most fun time ever--they might not even feel "happy," per se--but they are operating at or very near their maximum potential. There may be fear and pain anxiety, but there are zero regrets. The [...]

How to Avoid Being a Conversation Avoidant

Conversation Avoidance: Texting vs. Calling. Conversation Avoidance. Texting vs. Calling I hope you will all take the time to read this and not take it personally or be offended. With regard to text messages: myself, I really do not wish to have an extreme dialogue with people in this manner. Call me if you wish to communicate. Nothing personal, I just can’t stand constant texting. I find it intrusive and somehow presumptuous. It sounds off insolently whenever it chooses and expects me to drop whatever I’m doing and, well, engage. It is ridiculously time-consuming to have a dialogue [...]

8 Questions to Determine a Toxic Relationship

Are you in a toxic relationship? Toxic Relationship A soulful, sentimental, truly worthwhile relationship should make you feel rejuvenated, positive, refreshed, supported, and motivated- not depleted, damaged, unwanted, or unworthy! If spending time with a significant other or loved one leaves you regularly feeling any of the latter, you might be experiencing what is known as a toxic relationship! A Toxic relationship can strike in any area of your life, not just in your love life. Often, unhealthy emotional interactions occur between lovers, but mothers, sons, daughters, fathers, sisters, brothers, in-laws, friends, acquaintances and coworkers can all bring toxicity to [...]

5 Breaking Communication Barriers

Breaking Communication Barriers The Foundation to healthy relationships Is it trust? Love? Laughter? Lust? No? Then what? Think about it…. What is necessary- what needs to come first- for all of these other components of a relationship to take root? Communication, of course! You cannot build trust with another person without getting to know them first! Similarly, it would be awfully hard to fall in love with someone if you could never speak to, see, or reach out to them. Communication, in the form of body language, has a great deal to do with lust, as well. There a number of [...]