self love

5 Wonderful Reasons to Carve Out Some Time To Yourself

When was the last time you gave time to yourself? Time to yourself “I don’t have time for that.” “There just aren’t enough hours in the day.” “It would be selfish to spend some time on me.” “I’m way too busy…” All of the above are things that people tend to say when someone suggests they take a break or some time to themselves. We all know that it can be challenging to carve out time alone to do what we love, but it’s important to realize that doing so is far from selfish; it’s a necessity for staying [...]

Self Awakening is the Path to Self Love

The Path to Self Love The Path to Self-Love The path to self love is right in front of you.  Whether or not you choose to take that first step is up to you. After a particularly rough day of attempting to balance, say, attending college, spending time with family, keeping a tidy home, and working full time, you may feel overstressed, overworked, and generally unsatisfied with your life. If this sounds like you, try to remember: Once you stop having fun with something and start to doubt yourself, you ultimately won’t be good at it anymore. You [...]

3 Tips to Avoid Irritating Your Guy and Turning Him Off

A girl's guide to greater intimacy.  Are you turning him off? Are you turning him off? As hard as it is to believe, it is possible to stifle a guy's desire for sex.  No...seriously...quit laughing!  Maybe I should have clarified that first statement.  It is possible to stifle a guy's desire for sex with YOU!  There is that better?  No?  Well then just take my word for it. Okay, enough joking.  Behaving in a way that comes between you and your guy, and the intimacy you enjoy is a serious matter. Guys may not be turned off by [...]

Growth – A Bit of Living; A Bit of Growing.

It all adds up to you. Strong foundation and growth As we grow, we change.  We all know that to be true.  We all want growth right? When someone says "You are not the person you used to be." I say, "I certainly hope not!"  To think that I could have lived and loved, and experienced life; without being changed in some way would be, in a word, unacceptable. The Ingredients of Life - Growth Life is made up of experiences.  Those experiences are the ingredients that make us the person we are.  What we experience changes us.  [...]

4 Signs You Are In An Abusive Relationship

Am I in an abusive relationship? Life is short. Relationships take time.  The question then remains, "When do you know that it is time to walk away from a relationship that is just not working, or not healthy?"  There is no easy answer, but there are some things that can help you decide whether or not a continued investment of time and life is worth it when it comes to your situation. Does the Cost Outweigh the Benefit? Relationships should enrich both parties.  If you find yourself with someone who is high maintenance, with little or no return, then it [...]