Leslie Jo Saul

Confidence Doesn’t Give Men Erections; Vulnerability Does

Are women with confidence incapable of viewing men as human beings? There's a vile article by a blogger named Matt Forney making its way around the web recently that I refuse to link to because I don't want to give him the satisfaction. The piece is called "The Case Against Female Self Esteem," and while his ideas are hardly worth considering or engaging with, the conversation he brings up is an important one, so I thought I'd take a moment to reflect on his general theme and respond to some of his points in a broad way that I hope [...]

Jealousy! Is it healthy?

We all experience mild feelings of jealousy throughout our lives. No matter how confident a person is within themselves, or how happy they are in a relationship, the green-eyed monster has a way of rearing its ugly head. And often it doesn’t take much to trigger it! Your partner may have a few new additions to their Facebook friends list that you don’t know, or even an attractive new colleague at work that makes you bristle at the mere mention of their name. But is a little bit of jealousy in a relationship such a bad thing? The simple answer [...]

How to Determine Your Relationship Attachment Type

The Key to Making Your Relationship Last-What is Your relationship Attachment Type? What is your relationship attachment type? From the day we are born we attach to our parents or caregivers in a specific way, but did you know that as adults, these very same attachments occur in romantic partnerships?  So, what is your partnership connection type? Research shows that the way adults behave, or act in relationships, is pre-determined by which relationship attachment type we fit into. Once you recognize the different types of attachment and identify which one you are, you will be able to understand [...]

How to Rebuild the Trust and Love in a Relationship after Infidelity

Finding out that your loved one has been unfaithful is absolutely gut-wrenching and can cause you to feel lost, devastated, disillusioned and resentful. While the initial shock and anger might leave you wanting your other half to rot in hell, you really need to make a decision as to whether or not you can, or want, to move past it; and if your relationship is important enough to try to work through the broken trust and issues that have arisen. Some people consider infidelity to be a total deal breaker that there is no coming back from. But if you’re [...]

Do You Know The Personal Boundaries?

You are about to enter the personal boundaries zone, proceed with caution. Creating and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries Boundaries are the mental, emotional and even physical limits that we create for ourselves which prevent outside forces from getting into our personal space and defining who we are and how we live our lives. These boundaries preserve our integrity and give us the power to take responsibility for our own actions and take control of our life. Establishing personal boundaries can be challenging and we can easily feel like we are being selfish by letting others know what we want and what [...]