Confidence Doesn’t Give Men Erections; Vulnerability Does

Are women with confidence incapable of viewing men as human beings? There's a vile article by a blogger named Matt Forney making its way around the web recently that I refuse to link to because I don't want to give him the satisfaction. The piece is called "The Case Against Female Self Esteem," and while his ideas are hardly worth considering or engaging with, the conversation he brings up is an important one, so I thought I'd take a moment to reflect on his general theme and respond to some of his points in a broad way that I hope [...]

How to Rebuild the Trust and Love in a Relationship after Infidelity

Finding out that your loved one has been unfaithful is absolutely gut-wrenching and can cause you to feel lost, devastated, disillusioned and resentful. While the initial shock and anger might leave you wanting your other half to rot in hell, you really need to make a decision as to whether or not you can, or want, to move past it; and if your relationship is important enough to try to work through the broken trust and issues that have arisen. Some people consider infidelity to be a total deal breaker that there is no coming back from. But if you’re [...]

Do You Know The Personal Boundaries?

You are about to enter the personal boundaries zone, proceed with caution. Creating and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries Boundaries are the mental, emotional and even physical limits that we create for ourselves which prevent outside forces from getting into our personal space and defining who we are and how we live our lives. These boundaries preserve our integrity and give us the power to take responsibility for our own actions and take control of our life. Establishing personal boundaries can be challenging and we can easily feel like we are being selfish by letting others know what we want and what [...]

Are You A Worrier Or A Warrior?

Embrace your inner warrior and kick the worrier to the curb! One of the biggest culprits in sabotaging our relationships is fear.  We aren’t born with fears, they are manifested during the trials and tribulations of life and from past experiences that weren’t so pleasant. And instead of forgetting about them, we store them away so they can come back to haunt us at a later date. Seems strange right? Think of it as our minds being an air conditioning filter – and all the fears and worries you have, being the dirt and crud that clogs it. This filter [...]

The Games People Play-Online Dating

When it comes to dating and relationships, it can be hard to find genuine people who aren’t just looking for a hookup or looking to play games. Online dating makes it easier for people to play their little games because we can’t see them and pick up on their body language, like we would in the real world. It allows people to hide behind their creatively invented personas and draw you into a world of make-believe. Some people play games unknowingly, usually as a defense mechanism that is manifested from their insecurities. But on the other side of the spectrum, [...]