
8 Things You Can Do Better Now To Change Your Life

8 Things To Change Your Life Now. Change Your Life Now In the months of May and June it seemed like everyone I know was going through some type of suffering and transition, myself included. For many of us there seems to be a higher level of change than usual, from taking a new job, adjusting to parenthood, additional responsibility, loss of a loved one, caring for an elderly parent, starting a new relationship, moving, ending a relationship, or letting go of aspects of being that no longer serve us. The first thing to go usually is the [...]


Last night I was inspired to write...again based on my own experience.  So much so, I spent the majority of the night flipping from side to side and struggling to find the cold spot on the pillow. So here I am up at 4am furiously typing with no thought of proper punctuation or grammar usage (clearly corrected by the time you read this). My words, “one more time,” as they came slipping off my tongue, passed my lips and into the ears of the listener, (hopefully listening) lingered so long in my brain that I became tormented. The words I [...]