
Parenting-The Fish Rots From The Head Down

When it comes to parenting, your kids learn behaviors from you. Parenting Is there a right and wrong here? When it comes to being a parent, I am no expert, but I will say this all has to do with communication. Having no children of my own and writing this article may cause some rough seas for this fish. That’s ok, I am fine with that, and I’ll just swim sideways and make my way back to shore. With that said, I can say I have been an expert at being a kid once (and still am at [...]

Conjunction Junction

Conjunction Junction, What's Your Function? https://youtu.be/ODGA7ssL-6g     Associate AND Dissociate People have habitual patterns of sensory association. While working with clients, I observed that many stay associated to fears AND trauma. Unconsciously it affects body position, movement, AND balance. They stay associated with emotions that are no longer needed but subconsciously feel they are getting some type of positive outcome, thus continuing an unhealthy pattern. Are you familiar with the term "Worrywart? " People who automatically connect into their emotions AND constructed representations of what may go wrong —while dissociating from soothing images AND sensory experiences that would [...]