Life Coach

10 Underlying Obsessive Love Factors

How to Beat Obsessive Love and Set Healthy Relationship Boundaries Vision of Love Falling in love brings a rush of so many feelings. There are times we feel as though we just can’t get enough of that new person in our lives. When we feel as though we cannot function without him or monitor his activities while we are apart, we cross the line into obsessive love. At the end of a relationship, obsessive love is what drives people to stalk his social media, drive by his house or even live in denial of the breakup. A few years [...]

6 Beautiful Changes for New Year Transformation

New Years Transformation TRANSFORMATION. A NEW DAWN, A NEW DAY, A NEW YEAR AND A NEW LIFE FOR YOU. New Years Resolutions - they’re all but a joke in our mainstream culture today. As soon as we’ve thought them up, we already “know” that we’ll never attain them, so we laugh with our friends about all the things we’re never going to accomplish. It’s all a little ridiculous. However, there’s no doubt that there’s something about the New Years transformation that gives us a burning desire for transformation. It’s why the New Years Resolution became an item in [...]

5 Tips to Minimize a Procrastination Problem

Is procrastination a problem? Is Procrastination a problem? Do you find yourself scrolling aimlessly through e-mails and social media at the very thought of having to accomplish something productive on your laptop? Maybe you frequently decide that minor tasks at work can wait until after lunch, and then ‘forget’ about them until they all pile up. Perhaps you do your procrastination ‘productively’ by filling your time with another task that also needs to be completed. There are endless ways to procrastinate! You may even be procrastinating this very moment by reading this article. Unfortunately, there are even more [...]

5 Effective Rules Lead to Conflict Management

They can end marriages, ruin family reunions, and even lead to the loss of an old friend, so conflicts are always bad, right? Wrong! Actually, conflicts are quite necessary for healthy relationships to develop! They just need to be managed effectively. When at least one of the parties involved keeps a cool head and proper conflict management is put into effect, a disagreement can lead to a discovery that makes for a stronger relationship; an argument can lead to an open, honest discussion where an arrangement that all are happy with can be reached! Managing Conflict The basic [...]

5 Breakup Mood Boosters that Might Do More Harm than Good

Breakup mood boosters that may be causing you harm Breakup mood boosters Breakups suck. When a flame dies down you get left with a lot of empty space and time to fill. You’ll find a lot of (often unsolicited) advice on how to deal, but that doesn’t mean you should follow it all! Here are some popular post-breakup mood boosters that might feel good at first, but will leave you feeling even worse than before later! 1.  Bad-mouthing your ex While it might make you feel better to bad-mouth him/her right now, it’ll only make you feel like a [...]