relationship coach

5 Breakup Mood Boosters that Might Do More Harm than Good

Breakup mood boosters that may be causing you harm Breakup mood boosters Breakups suck. When a flame dies down you get left with a lot of empty space and time to fill. You’ll find a lot of (often unsolicited) advice on how to deal, but that doesn’t mean you should follow it all! Here are some popular post-breakup mood boosters that might feel good at first, but will leave you feeling even worse than before later! 1.  Bad-mouthing your ex While it might make you feel better to bad-mouth him/her right now, it’ll only make you feel like a [...]

A Life With No Regrets- Is it Possible?

Is a Life of No Regrets Possible? Life of No Regrets As you lay in bed late at night you may be taunted by thoughts of what you should have done throughout the day, rather than feeling reassured by what you actually did accomplish. Perhaps on your lunch break at work, you may browse a social media site on your mobile phone (I can’t be the only one!) and begin to rethink your own choices as you look at the supposed successes of others. Maybe you still feel awful about causing a former lover’s heartbreak, and seem to [...]

3 Tips to Avoid Irritating Your Guy and Turning Him Off

A girl's guide to greater intimacy.  Are you turning him off? Are you turning him off? As hard as it is to believe, it is possible to stifle a guy's desire for sex.  No...seriously...quit laughing!  Maybe I should have clarified that first statement.  It is possible to stifle a guy's desire for sex with YOU!  There is that better?  No?  Well then just take my word for it. Okay, enough joking.  Behaving in a way that comes between you and your guy, and the intimacy you enjoy is a serious matter. Guys may not be turned off by [...]

Top 3 Things Guys do to Irritate a Woman, Turning Her Off

Stop turning her off and start turning her on Guys make some of the dumbest mistakes with it comes to women.  Sometimes they can be downright annoying.  Trust me on that.  The truth is there are as many ways for a guy to irritate a woman that will start turning her off, as there are diet plans promising a new and better you!  We certainly can't talk about all of them in this one blog post. However, I do want to take a moment and discuss three of the things guys do that not only irritate a woman but also [...]

Is She Available?

How to Recognize an Emotional Hang-up and What to Do About It. Photo by: VIKTOR HANACEK Is She Available? Women are known for being emotional creatures right?  I mean, that might sound a little like a stereotype, but c'mon, you know it's true!  So when you are dating a woman who is emotionally unavailable, what are you supposed to do?  How would you even know if she is shut off from you?  Are there signs you can look for?  What can you do about it if she is?  Let me give you some thoughts on identifying the problem, [...]