Conjunction Junction, What’s Your Function?



Associate AND Dissociate

People have habitual patterns of sensory association. While working with clients, I observed that many stay associated to fears AND trauma. Unconsciously it affects body position, movement, AND balance. They stay associated with emotions that are no longer needed but subconsciously feel they are getting some type of positive outcome, thus continuing an unhealthy pattern. Are you familiar with the term “Worrywart? ” People who automatically connect into their emotions AND constructed representations of what may go wrong —while dissociating from soothing images AND sensory experiences that would assure OR calm them.

Problems recur because someone consistently dissociates from source information (such as the gut feeling warning them not do something), OR associates into problematic representations (such as Worrywarts). BUT, a little modification of association AND dissociation can make a big difference. What’s your malfunction AND function?

Doesn’t that just make ya wanna sing AND dance?