It’s one step! Put one foot in front of the other.

one step

What would your life look like if you knew everything could change with one step?  After two weeks of being totally overwhelmed by work, I took some time to rest last night. I struggle at times for things to write to you guys because I really want to make an impact on your emotions and not just throw useless crap out there. It is important to me and I hope to you as well, that it actually resonates deep within you and you desire change.

I read blog after blog and post after post from coaches and therapists giving advice about getting “unstuck” in relationships and life in an effort to get clients and increase their own bottom line. I dislike the sales pitch approach and I am NOT going to go there. It gets old. I am not going to create a 5, 6 or 10 step plan on how to improve your life and then try to sell it to you. Why? Because… that’s crap. IT IS YOUR JOB. I can however, help you write, achieve and LIVE your own plan. Like fingerprints, no two people are the same…so PLEASE tell me how some 7 step book written for the masses can help you with your own personal needs and goals or get to the root cause of what really blocks you?

I am a pretty blunt throw it on the table kind of girl. The truth is…It is a one step process. Yup, that’s right, ONE.


If you are spending endless hours being coached or going to a therapist day after day, month after month or year after year and still have the same issues, something isn’t right.

TRUTH: Although books, CD’s, meditation and motivational tools are great and extremely useful in the overall transformation process, it is imperative to get to the root cause and correct it FIRST! The rest is maintenance until total change has occurred.

Let me state this as clearly as I possibly can. NOTHING in your life is going to change until you take action. Investing in yourself is not a game-it is a commitment. It is courage, power and love. It is ONE step. Your choice. ONE step.

I leave you with this…It is impossible to do the happy dance with one foot in your future and one foot in your past.